Soft Skills vs Hard Skills

Building a business is not just building a strong book, or being the best at cuts, colors, or tones; it’s about building up and having strong soft skills.

Now what are soft skills?

Soft skills are made up from you personality traits, and people skills.

Harvard University and the Stanford Research Center found that 85% of workplace success is attributed to soft skills.

Here are a few soft skills that I am constantly working on, and soft skills I encourage my time to continue to work on:


Developing strong communication skills is essential when it comes to building a successful career.


Any company hiring right now is looking for a teamplayer. Teamwork is based on relationships, and at the foundation of every relationship is trust.

Time Management

Without proper time management skills, you simply lack the capacity to organize your time, yourself in general or others in a smart and consistent way. If you want to be good at time management, you have to treat your time as the most precious resource you possess.

In this podcast you will also learn 5 low cost ways to market your business to bring in your dream clients, increase your retention, bring in more referrals and generate more sales.


Why is retail important? It’s a question that comes up more often than not. When clients come into our salon, they’re not there to go shopping, but they’re there for a service. One of the best ways to elevate that service is by offering retail in your salon.

Here are a 8 reasons why retail is so important:

Retention: The amount of clients that come into your business, are STAYING in your business. Retail will help BUILD the retention. 

Referrals: This is the number 1 way to generate business

Memory of Experience: Each time a client uses the product it will remind them of you, and their time with you

Perceived Professionalism: Show the products you actually use in the salon

Builds Trust: They see how its beneficial, and are able to see the results 

Continue Education: When partnering with a retail company they will most likely provide education. Keep learning to not only educate yourself, but educate your client. 

Support: When carrying a product line, it opens the door for support from the company themselves. 

Points to Use on Backbar Products

If we believe in our industry as professionals and know that there is a difference between professional products and non-professional products, why is this not an important part of our business?

We know when a client is using the right products and ingredients it is creating style support, color retention, longevity, health balance, - BUT YET we do not have the right script down or make it a part of the experience we want to give our clients.

Check out the Beauty Business Game-Changer Podcast to hear more on why retail is important.

Enhancing the Guest Experience Without A Front Desk

There is so much more that goes into the guest experience than what we think. Gone are the days of just offering a good cut and color. Today, clients have high expectations and lots of options. Making excuses for why we can't meet today's standards will destroy our business and reputation. It's too often that we get comfortable and forget to add the extra element of care and surprise.

In this article, I’ll really dissect the guest experience. Because I think that often, we're missing the true point of the guest experience. And when it comes to tracking our key performance indicators, we're really looking at that dollar amount of total service sales and we're missing the whole point. So let’s dive into what's happening in my business, things that I've been doing, and what clients are wanting these days.

What Clients Want Today

I believe that today’s clients are wanting the following things:

  • Convenience

  • Sustainability

  • Purpose-related products and services

  • Communication

  • Automation and technology that keeps people informed and engaged without losing the human touch

Working Without a Front Desk

As most of you know, I started my salon without a front desk for a few reasons. Mostly because I could not justify spending $30,000 to $50,000 on a receptionist. But I knew I was losing clients because not everyone could get a hold of me. That’s why training my clients to book and rebook online was absolutely key for me. But I knew I was still missing phone calls from new and existing clients, and it was freaking me out. So I know that if you’re a solo entrepreneur, you’re probably feeling the strain of how important yet time-consuming it is to be answering phones, text messages, and emails all the time.

Missing calls is a terrible first impression and, even scarier, 85% of missed callers will ultimately not make an appointment with you even if you call them back. Millennials and Gen Z are unlikely to leave voicemails, which is why they’re flocking to startups like Dry Bar and Madison Reed, which are big enough to have full-time receptionists. This could mean a loss of thousands of dollars from your business each month. But as a small business, what can you do? It’s too rude to interrupt an appointment with a client to pick up a phone call.

My New Favorite Option

I’m excited to share that I found a company that works for me. It’s called My Salon Desk, or MSD, and it's the first and only virtual receptionist and phone answering service dedicated to the beauty industry. Hallelujah! What sets them apart from other answering services that I’ve tried is that their receptionists have expertise in the beauty industry. They’re actually required to have at least two years of experience in high-end luxury clientele services and, on top of that, they get three weeks of extensive training internally. And that matters to me because I know the type of clients that are calling my business, and they want and need to have a personalized experience for their first impression.

Here is why I love My Salon Desk.

The Human Touch

First, it lets my clients talk to a real human on the phone. Because, sure, I'm all about automation, but I just think your first impression should be somebody on the line to talk to or in person.

The Value

The other companies out there that I tried were crazy expensive. They didn't offer nearly the value that My Salon Desk does. And in business, every dollar matters. My Salon Desk Plans are primarily month-to-month with no contracts required, which gives beauty business owners the flexibility they need to manage their budgets effectively. Plans with more than 200 calls a month do have short 3-month term commitments. You can find the perfect plan for your business here.

The Extra Help

Today’s clients demand a timely response, but there’s so much pressure there. If you're an owner and you are working behind a chair with clients all day, you don't have time during those precious moments to be returning calls, emails, and messages on social media platforms. But if we're not doing it in a timely manner now, we're losing clients. We need extra help, you guys. That is where My Salon Desk comes in. Although they primarily handle inbound calls, they are omni-channel and can accommodate text messaging, webchat, and social media messages as well. They can also book + edit appointments directly into any web-based software, but all parameters or scheduling requirements have to be programmed into your scheduling software.

The Peace of Mind

It's comforting that they can handle salon calls from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., which means, at least for me, that I can focus on the things that move the needle of my business, like my marketing, lesson plans for my team, or just being present with my client or my team. Their standard hours are 9 AM to 7:30 every single day in all US + Canada time zones, but they can also provide Extended Hours between 8 AM and 9 PM if needed.

A lot of the people that are calling the number are calling because they're running late to the appointment or they have a question about our services, like what we offer or where we're located. So you can easily forward your business calls to a My Salon Desk receptionist who can answer any inquiries from your clients based on the information that you submit to them.

The Convenience

You’ll fill out a questionnaire so MSD knows more about your business and your services. That way they're able to serve and help your clients, and answer frequently asked questions. Seriously, it's a flawless transaction. Your clients are taken care of, and most of the time they don't even realize that you don’t have a physical receptionist at your studio or salon.

And if there are any important notifications, the call center will shoot me a text message and let me know that this client needs help. So if Mary can't figure out how to book online, you can give her a call or send her a text to help her book that appointment.

The Familiarity

One of my favorite parts, too, is that the receptionists work in small groups which really gets them familiar with my business. It feels like I literally have a handful of receptionists helping me and they become like a true extension of my own brand.


Because of this virtual call center, I personally have experienced a return on my investment by converting all new clients who are calling and freeing up my time to work on growing my business as opposed to being on the phone all the time with people and answering questions.

Right now you will get will receive a Complimentary Month of Voicemail Service with your plan when you sign-up using my code : GAMECHANGER You can subscribe to a Plan at any time on the website! For more information, visit to learn more, or schedule a Discovery Call.

Clients’ Expectations for Their Experience

So what is the expectation of this guest experience? Let’s get a gauge on the current status of your business.

  • Are you timely?

  • Are you honest?

  • Are you educating and guiding your guests, giving them recommendations without pressure?

  • Are you friendly?

  • Do you make clients feel appreciated and understood? Do you offer compassion and care?

  • Do you treat people fairly?

I want us to take a step back and look at our business from the eyes of new clients and existing clients. What are the desires, expectations, and standards of your ideal client? Where are we potentially missing value-driven opportunities?

Before the Service

Before the service even begins, clients want to know what to expect. Where are you located? Where can they park? What is your cancellation policy? Do they need to put a card on file? Are there pre-forms or waivers to sign?

They’ll also want reminders of their appointment, whether that be via email, text, or phone call. This helps decrease cancellations and no-shows.

In the waiting area, what can you offer? Maybe beverages, magazines, hot neck wraps, thanking them for their patience while they wait for their appointment.


If you haven’t already, I want you to create a signature consultation that hits all the key areas. First, we need to listen twice as much as we speak. We need to make recommendations for a solution to our client’s challenges. Recap your exact design decisions and get customer approval before you begin. Simplify what’s happening to make sure that we’re under-promising and over-delivering.

During the Service

During the service, we need to be adding extra value and opportunities for the client to enjoy, which is also a chance for you to be more profitable. While you’re mixing color or setting up, it’s a perfect opportunity for you to hand them a menu of additional services that you offer.

During the shampoo service is a golden opportunity for you to talk about your treatments or take -home care. People who have chemicals on their hair or are in a relaxed state are more likely to trust you and to listen to what you have to say.

This is a key point of when we need to be re-booking them, talking about our referral program, and asking them if they'd like any additional services. We need to take advantage of every opportunity possible before the client leaves our chair.

After the Service

There's also the value-driven opportunity after the service. Is there an opportunity here to turn this guest into a raving fan, which is what we want when we think of our ideal client? Somebody who buys product, rebooks, tells their friends, and writes reviews.

Is there something that we can send them home with? Something tangible but more than just a business card? Maybe it's a thank you card or product samples. Think about what you're sending your clients home with right now. Is there something different you could add, maybe for your top paying clients or new clients that come in?

Right after the service is also a key point that we need to ask for a review and referrals. Maybe you can even send out a survey to find out if they’re satisfied with the service.

Ultimately, your business isn't judged by your total sales, but by the satisfaction of your customers. If you only look at the sales you did for the month, then you are missing the big picture. If you're retaining clients, if you're creating a wow factor experience and developing the perfect salon visit for each and every guest, the money will flow and your business will be sustainable.

For more business tips, tricks, and advice please listen to my Podcast.

Be sure to join our community of like-minded beauty professionals. We’re all looking to grow and support each other on our journeys and throughout our careers.

Remember,ight now you will get will receive a Complimentary Month of Voicemail Service with your My Salon Desk plan when you sign-up using my code : GAMECHANGER